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how to best tell make where the sources are?

From: Mark Galeck (CW)
Subject: how to best tell make where the sources are?
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:43:53 -0700

Hello,  I have a general question, where I have my own opinion, but I want to 
know what experienced people think.  

You are trying to build a large source tree into a number of binary modules.  
This is one "configuration/version" of your software, and you want to make 
multiple configurations (each with slightly varying options, sets of sources 
etc).  (this is a common real-life situation I think). 

It seems that you have two main choices of how to organize things:

1.  Make a shadow source tree of links to the real source tree, one shadow tree 
per configuration.  Then in each shadow source directory have a small makefile 
that just builds the objects in that directory, and it does not need to be told 
where the sources are - they are right there in the same directory as links.  
Then have a makefile for each module you ultimately build, that links up all 
the objects it needs.  Here you have a huge number of invocations of make, one 
per source directory.

2. Build each module in one directory, objects and all. No links, you have to 
tell make where the sources are, you do this with vpath/VPATH , or if you want 
to be fast and not search, you implement some kind of advanced automatic 
generation of explicit rules for each source file.  Here you have a few 
invocations of make - one per module.  

What I think is 1 is more elegant with all the links and no need to tell make 
where sources are, and you can create all the links with one system call on 
Linux, but, it is time-costly to create the links, redo them for each 
invocation of make as the source tree might have changed, and it takes time to 
recursively invoke make so many times.  

On contrast, 2 may be ugly, but, especially if you implement explicit rules 
without vpath, it ought to be much faster.  

What do you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of ali hagigat
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 11:27 PM
To: address@hidden; address@hidden
Subject: Re: a question about $(call function

Thanks Mr. Smith for the answer however I have two questions:

1) According to the manual, "If variable is the name of a builtin
function, the builtin function is always invoked ". So why in the
cited example when we have:
 var2=$(call $(call var1),pp)
Our variable here is $(call var1) and it is a built in function. Why
it is not called? so:
var2=$(call kk,pp)

2) if $(call var1)=aba is considered, so:
var2=$(call aba, pp)
Why var2=aba? why aba function is not called with its $(1)=pp?


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Paul Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 14:49 +0430, ali hagigat wrote:
>> In the following example with make, 3.81 why var2 is aba?
>> kk=$(1)00
>> aba=$(1)11
>> var1=kk
>> $(call var1)=aba
>> var2=$(call $(call var1),pp)
>> all: ;
>> $(warning var2=$(var2))
>> makefile27:7: var2=aba
> Because you have "$(call var1)=aba" and $(call var1) expands kk, so this
> statement expands to "kk=aba".
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:
>  "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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