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case sensitivity in patterns

From: James
Subject: case sensitivity in patterns
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 13:11:55 -0400

(OS = Windows XP and 7)
In my makefiles, I have a pattern rule such as the following.  (This is for latex, where creating a DVI wants EPS files, and a PDF wants JPG (or similar).)
JPG_FILES =  $(wildcard ./*.jpg)
EPS_FILES = $(JPG_FILES:.jpg=.eps)
%.eps : %.jpg
 bmeps -c -t jpg $< $@
This all works fine when the file suffix is really lowercase "jpg".  Some of my files had a mixture such as "Jpg", "JPg", etc.  The substitution operation is case sensitive: "jpg" changes to "eps", but "Jpg" or "JPg", etc., do not. 
Is this the intended behavior, or am I doing something wrong?  On Windows, the filenames are (not usually) case sensitive.  Is there a way to have it to operate in an case-insensitive manner?

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