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RE: Upgrade 8.30 to 8.31

From: Steve Waltner
Subject: RE: Upgrade 8.30 to 8.31
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:54:48 -0500

If you installed GNU Make from source code (instead of a downloadable package), it got installed into /usr/local/. However /usr/local/bin/ is not in the default search path on a Mac OS X system. Mac OS X 10.4 and higher has the default shell for new accounts set to bash, while previous versions of OS X used tcsh. So, if you created your account on a system running 10.3 or earlier and have upgraded it to a current OS, you will need to put something like the following in your $HOME/.cshrc:

set path=(~/bin /usr/local/bin $path /Developer/Tools /usr/X11R6/bin)

If your account was created while the system was running 10.4 or higher, you would put something like the following in your $HOME/.profile:

export PATH

If you used something like Fink to download/install the software, like Dave mentioned, you'll need to look for where it was installed and tweak your PATH like I showed. Fink and FinkCommander are great tools for the Mac user wanting to work with Unix. The Fink admins have taken thousands of open source packages and figured out what customizations need to be done (if any) to get them to compile on OS X. Like many of the package managers on Linux, you can use Fink to install and of the dependencies for a package automatically, which is the major benefit of using something like this. Fink loads its software into /sw/ (ie: / sw/bin/, /sw/include/, /sw/lib/, ....)


Tommy McGlynn wrote on 07 October 2008 06:29:

> Hi, I'm trying to upgrade make from 8.30 to 8.31

  Can I borrow your time machine?  ;-)  ITYM "3.80" and "3.81"!

> I'm running Mac OSX (10.4). I installed 8.31 but when I invoke "make -v"
> I see that I am still using version 8.30.
> Any help?

Probably a problem with your PATH setting; does "which -a make" show you've got multiple versions and maybe the old one is nearer the start of your path and gets chosen first? (I'm not a mac guy and don't know how the installer works, but if it didn't just altogether fail silently, then that new version
has to be on your hard drive *somewhere*!)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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