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From: address@hidden
Subject: spaces...
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:54:36 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071210)

I would like to test if a library file exist. To make this, I have used the function 
"wildcard" who return me nothing if the file doesn't exist.
My problem is when the full path of the file contain a space. In this case, the function wildcard 
test separately the different parts around the space and so see nothing... To manipulate a list of 
files with spaces I have replace the spaces by a pattern and the others spaces are only to separate 
the elements of the list. So my question is : Can I use a specific pattern to replace the space who 
will be recognize by the function wildcard as a space in my file name (and not as a 
space-separation of the list) ? (like "\ " or "%SPACE%", etc.)
Or what other solution is possible to test if a file (with spaces in his name) 
exist ?
I use my makefile on Linux, Mac and Windows (and a stup** man has called the main 
directory "Program Files").
Best regards,

NB: sorry for my English, I hope you can understand me...

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