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error commands commence before first target...

From: Zuheyr Alsalihi
Subject: error commands commence before first target...
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:26:40 +0200


I am using the make:
$ make --v 
GNU Make 3.80

I seem to have a very random error, the famous
Makefile:147: *** commands commence before first target.  Stop.

Always related to echo or @echo commands.
Offending code: (well very randomly any echo can offend)
ifeq ($(COMPILER),gnu)
F90 = /usr/bin/gfortran
F90FLAGS_RG = --chk a,e,s --f95 -g \
                   --trace --xref  --trap -Wa,--32
F90FLAGS_DEBUG = --chk a,e,s --f95 -g \
                   --trace --xref  --trap -Wa,--32
        echo " -GNU COMPILER-"                      <- this is the line

Is this a bug!? What can I do about this please help.

Many thanks and Best regards
Zuheyr Alsalihi

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