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RE: Tricky suffix rule problem for Corba

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: RE: Tricky suffix rule problem for Corba
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 11:28:11 -0500

%% "CARTER-HITCHIN, David, FM" <address@hidden> writes:

  cdf> Thanks for replying.  Sorry I didn't really finish my account of
  cdf> what happens: The .cc and .h files get created in the source dirs
  cdf> w,x,y or z, and so when we rerun make it tries to find
  cdf> ../idl/ or ../idl/a.h and of course never finds them, so it
  cdf> rebuilds.

  >> %.h ../idl/ : ../idl/%.idl

  cdf> I tried a few things like this.  The variation you give means the
  cdf> target is still '../idl/gds_server.h' which is not where the
  cdf> header needs to live and the pre-requisite is
  cdf> '../idl/../idl/gds_svc_man.idl' which looks broken but we're just
  cdf> making make skip between dirs and is the same as what we've
  cdf> started with.

You'll need to give more precise details.

What directory is make in when it executes?  Where are the idl files
(that was in your email, but please restate it in a complete context)?
Where do you want the output files generated?  What are the
prerequisites used to find the .idl files--presumably foo.o depends on and foo.h for example: where are the .o files?  What exactly does
the target/prerequisite line look like (what pathnames are used, etc.)?

  cdf> Any other ideas?  I could hard code specific rules for these
  cdf> files but I'd prefer to have a suffix rule if possible.

If you could provide a complete, but small, makefile that showed the
problem, substituting "echo" or "cp" for the IDL_COMMAND, that would be
very helpful.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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