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Multiple Results for One Dependency

From: Derick
Subject: Multiple Results for One Dependency
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 12:29:14 -0800

Hello... I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight (==help). I am
writing a makefile that has a SINGLE command that generates multiple output
files. The difficulty I am running into is that the command is executed for
each dependency, where the command actually takes care of all of them in one

Specifically (simplified greatly):

        all: MyStuff.a

        GENERATED_CXX=MyStuff.cpp MyStuff_skel.cpp

        $(GENERATED_CXX) : MyStuff.idl
                $(IDLGEN) $(IDLGENFLAGS) $<

        MyStuff.a : $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(GENERATED_CXX))
                # archive them here

with the usual %.o:%.cpp rule elsewhere. What ends up happening is that
$(IDLGEN) is run twice (once for MyStuff.cpp, once for MyStuff_skel.cpp),
where I only want it done once.


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