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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: January

From: Kasper Hviid
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: January
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 23:28:41 +0100

2010/1/31 Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>

OK, will put this in the repository. As you mention, ideas are welcome,
but this is good for me. Just one more question, which one would you see
as the default level?

I like Playfield - if the wraparound feature is a bit too much for newbies, I would suggest subflower instead

> By the way Christian, I've been thinking a bit about redesigning the LW6
> homepage at If you're cool with this, do you have any thoughts on
> the matter? Ideas, dogmas which should be respected, etc?
Well, it used to be very strict, it still is to some extent, but it
happens GNU pages do start to have a somewhat funky look. Sometimes ;)

FYI there's an official document about this here:

Thanks, I haven't read that one.'s front page seem to be slightly funky itself, with fancy headers, graphic and fixed-width text columns. Still no flash animations, though! :-)

PS: will try to make the program handle your cursors ASAP.

Would be cool if you had the time! Don't get too distracted from that little network feature ...

Because of the new level collection, some levels don't have any cursors, while some cursors don't have any level. We should also have a standard cursor, but all this will be easier to figure out once we can see the cursors in-game.

 - Kasper

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