> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Inspired by 3D postcards. Created using Photoshop CS3 and scanned artwork.
> > GAMEPLAY: I used a low nb-defense-tries to give it that wild, fuzzy look.
> Cool! Maybe I would lower fighter-defense too, but well, it's a question
> of taste, I let it up to you.
Tried it, seems cool
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Painted in Photoshop CS3. The practical purpose of this map was to use the
> > wrap-around feature of LW6. The map is just a vertical sinus curve, with
> > horizontal paths connecting it with itself. I'm a great fan of Art
> > Nouveau,
> > so I tried to make a lot of natural looking forms. Quite a bit of work!
> > GAMEPLAY: I used a really nifty trick here: I stole the rules.xml from
> > another map, namely "Fishy". I lowered the number of fighters to make
> > this
> > rather complex map a less confusing experience.
> I like the colors & shape a lot. And warpping levels are cool ;) I feel
> the various rules tweaks are pretty nice here, the algorithm behaves
> strangely but it's good to change sometimes. I would still not put
> defense-tries to 7 (which slows things down!) with a fighter-defense of 0.
> It's pointless,
Hey, you're right
> you should set defense-tries to 1 and maybe
> fighter-defense to something like 1 to have a minimum healing in time.
Done! But shouldn't <int key="fighter-regenerate" value="500"/> give quite a bit of healing in time? What am I missing?
> Your settings in this map might also reveal some bugs in my code. I sould
> investigate.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > This is a bit of fanart, a remake of one of the classic Liquid War levels.
> > The 1:1 aspect ratio is kept for historical reasons. It is painted in
> > Photoshop CS3. The background is one of my monotype paintings. I hope that
> > step wasn't to bold.
> > MUSIC: The music is the original thmoov.mid from Liquid War 5, Created by
> > Tim Chadburn
> > His homepage:
> >
> > GAMEPLAY: I have tried to keep this one as LW5 as possible, using normal
> > colors for the fighters and pixilation. I didn't change the
> > fighter-values.
> > MENU COLORS: menu inspired by the original: Red text on black background.
> Good idea to pick one of Tim's LW5 midis! As far of the menu colors are
> concerned, hum, well, LW5 was know for its ugliness on that part, so I
> don't think we need to insist on that line ;) The reddish stuff is really
> cool in infestival, but here, well, it's too much for me. I dunno why,
> just a feeling. It's cool too to have this one pixelized, but it raises
> another problem : should we keep this as the default map? I mean, your
> other maps are pretty neat, and if we lead users *by default* on a map
> which has pixelized turned on, well... Same for ratio, BTW, we probably
> don't want a squared map by default. A stretchable one might be better (by
> saying this I'm aware this contradicts my own position a few years ago).
> So well, I'd keep this one with pixelized, maybe a little more fighters (I
> think LW5 did have more, but I'm not 100% sure), and pick up another one
> as "default map". And here, I'd like to hear your opinion on this, and
> anybody and the list as well, for the "default" map is really a matter of
> importance ;) See for instance this review :
http://www.pixelprospector.com/indev/2009/10/liquid-war-6/ which ends up
> by showing the *default* map. Not very surprising but this is just to
> illustrate the importance of that point.
I can't really decide which one should be the default map. But you're right, it is an important decision, also because it will be the players first impression of the game.
On the same note, it is important how we descripe the gameplay. The words we use are likely to be copypasted. Do we talk about pixels, blobs, liquid, armies, fighters or particles? "You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents." is quite good, I think.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > A level with flowers in it. I tried to give it a underwater feel.
> > Painted with pen and ink. Colored in Photoshop.
> > GAMEPLAY: I honestly can't remember why I did whatever I did. But I think
> > it's okay.
> > TEAM COLORS: The whole level has a cyan multiply-layer on top. So has the
> > teams.
> Good one, there's a need for those wide-opened levels where fighters can
> move pretty much anywhere. Maybe this one would be a good candidate to
> raise the single-army-size and total-armies-size, I feel it could stand
> "many people hanging out".
Good idea.
You are right, we do need a few more open-level maps. Maybe we should use some of the extra levels such as acadia, darkness, fish or into-the-void for the main package.
> So well, these were my comments.
> Hope I wasn't too harsh on some issues, I just gave you my impressions.
Thanks for the feedback - It's much appreciated :-)