2009/10/31 Christian Mauduit
For others (you, for instance, Kasper) there's always the solution to wait
for official releases. But again, you won't be able to make (unless you do
it "blind") a 0.0.8beta compatible map *before* this one is released.
Chicken and egg problem... An option might be to try and install a
GNU/Linux system, or maybe install a build environment on MS-Windows. This
is described here:
Looks hairy but in fact you can technically "jump" to the end and start
only at "download and unzip msys-for-liquidwar6-20080819.zip". That's what
I do, to be honest, I just unzip this file, run msys.bat, untar LW6, and
run ./configure && make && src/liquidwar6
I tried, but it didn't quite work out
I copied liquidwar6-0.0.7beta to
Then I ran ./configure && make && src/liquidwar6
It ran for a long time, and then I guess it was finished ...
I found liquidwar6.exe in the directory
When I executed it, it claimed that msys-1.0.dll wasn't found ...
I have downloaded Mint, but I have not yet installed it. Might try it out in the weekend.
Perhaps I end up just doing it blindly, at least for 0.0.8
Here's my to-do list:
1) create XML files for the current levels
2) design cursors for each level
x) create a promotion-movie
x) translate to danish (I think I know how this is done)
x) design a cool looking Liquid War 6 title (might or might not be needed for home page or menu layout)
x) use boost.png and other coolness in new and current levels
x) create some really perfect menu layout