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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: Pizza Face

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] New level: Pizza Face
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 21:44:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080509)

Kasper Hviid wrote:
I have a new level ready - I'm proud to announce that it is likely to
be my most confusing one:
Wow. Polarity pushed to some interesting edge ;) I'll send a word on this list as soon as I get something that lets players toy with this.

Have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden> - ___ __/\__
Liquid War 6 -     / _")\~ \~/
"Les amis de la vérité sont ceux qui la cherchent et non _/ /   /_ o_\
ceux qui se vantent de l'avoir trouvée" - Condorcet     (__/      \/

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