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Re: nodes have authors

From: Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Subject: Re: nodes have authors
Date: 12 Feb 2002 09:20:01 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1 (Alfred M. Szmidt) writes:

>   - Print the "unknown permission bits" (what is the official name
>   for this?).

Well, I would say it's the "nobody" bits or maybe the "anonymous" user
bits or the "no ID" bits.  We should figure out one standard name to

>   - Print the author stuff (the option -E/--author will enable this)


>   - Show if an translator is attached to an inode, I don't know if I should
>     keep this.

Normally you won't see it, because unless you give special options, ls
will follow the translator, and so you will never see the node that
has a translator set on it.

> And I am working on setting the permission bits with chown, and
> changing the author bit with chown (chown owner:group:author?), and
> will probably implement the chauth (I think thats a better name then
> chauthor) program.

Why is chauth better than chauthor?  

> I was thinking on maybe removing all the "normal" UNIX file modes
> and only have ones for active/passive translators, and showing
> output similar to when you have a symlink (this will only work for
> passive translators):

The normal modes really are important information; the filesystems are
setting them because it's a useful hint to users about how the file

> trw-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root     root       0,   0 Dec 27 22:25 /dev/null 
> => /hurd/null
> Note, I used => instead of the normal -> to show that it is really different.

Good idea.

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