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Re: [Help-gsl] Magnitude of fitting parameters in nonlinear LS routines

From: Patrick Alken
Subject: Re: [Help-gsl] Magnitude of fitting parameters in nonlinear LS routines
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 09:25:19 -0600
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That should work fine. I recommend using the new interface gsl_multifit_nlinear (just released in version 2.2.1), as there are many new features and methods and the old multifit_fdfsolver will be deprecated in a future release.

On 09/06/2016 08:39 AM, viktor drobot wrote:
Hi all! I know that GSL nonlinear least squares routines try to rescale
parameters so they should be approximate the same order of magnitude. In my
work typical range of parameter values is 10^-7 -- 10^4 (but oftne only
10^-5 -- 10^2)
Is that the extremal case for nonlinear fitting or NLS routines could
handle it successfully?

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