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Re: How to install gparted live on grub boot menu?

From: josep lladonosa capell
Subject: Re: How to install gparted live on grub boot menu?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 18:21:29 +0200

Hello, Bo,

>From what I have read I suppose that you just want to boot an ISO image
from grub, right?

One solution for me (I don't work on an EFI system, though) without extra
partitioning and without the need of a bootable USB device and which does
all the grub stuff for you  is just installing the package grub-imageboot.
Install it in your main Ubuntu bootable system (Desktop).

The grub-imageboot default configuration lets you boot the .iso images
found in the /boot/images/ directory. You can have a look at the
/etc/default/grub-imageboot file.

After the copy of the iso file into /boot/images/, just do "sudo
update-grub" to make them appear into the grub boot menu.

It works for me on Ubuntu and Debian too.


Missatge de Bo Berglund <> del dia ds., 30 d’oct. 2021
a les 15:54:

> I have a PC with these operating systems:
> Windows 10
> Ubuntu 20.04.3 Desktop
> Ubuntu 20.04.2 Server
> This is an EFI installation.
> The boot menu was installed on the PC when I installed Ubuntu 20.04.3
> Desktop in dual boot mode.
> Then I also copied over my server to this disk using GParted on Ubuntu
> Desktop.
> And I used update-grub on the Desktop to get the server on to the boot
> menu.
> So this works OK now.
> But whenever I need to take a backup of the PC I want to use GParted and I
> only have 2 options:
> 1) Start the Ubuntu Desktop and use GParted
> This works OK except that the partition with the Desktop version itself is
> locked.
> 2) Start the PC from a GParted Live USB
> This is very non-trivial to do since the only way I have found to do thios
> is to go into Windows and then
> use Shift-Start-Power-Reboot and select the USB drive from the presented
> possibilities.
> I would like to have GParted Live as a separate item on the boot menu
> instead.
> Googling has brought up these hits:
> But I find them very confusing to follow...
> Is there some easy to understand way which will do this?
> On Ubuntu Desktop:
> - Create new 1GB ext4 partition /dev/somepart1 using GParted on Ubuntu
> - sudo mkdir /mnt/gparted (create mount point)
> - sudo mount /dev/somepart1 /mnt/gparted
> - cd /mnt/gparted
> - wget
> Now I need to create the grub entry and this is where I have problems
> because of the mixup
> between grub and grub2 in the pages I have found.
> Can someone help filling in the final part of the actions I need?
> The end result should be to have a last line in the boot menu saying:
> GParted Live
> --
> Bo Berglund
> Developer in Sweden

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