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Re: [2.00] grub-install use on UEFI system?

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [2.00] grub-install use on UEFI system?
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:07:07 +0200

> 1) why does 'grub-install' (without any parameter) work for Ubuntu12.04
> (grub1.99) ?

Probably because your kernel doesn't handle EFI properly so grub-install
wasn't able to detect it (/sys/firmware/efi was missing).

Hi Vladimir

- here is an example where /sys/firmware/efi is not missing:

> 2) why does the command indicated by Aaron for 2.00 (grub-install
> --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory="<root efi directory, eg.
> /boot/efi>") does not specify this sub-folder ?

Because this is not part of efi-directory

Yes, exactly. This is why i don't understand Chris comment.
(and RTFM)

AFAIK there is nothing about this subject (grub-install for UEFI) in GRUB 2.00 Manual:

Thanks in advance for any input. (GRUB with UEFI problems are more and more frequent on forums.)

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