I'm trying to boot grub2 with pxe support from a windows tftp server. I've built from the latest sources from ftp (version 1.99) on a debian squeeze x86. I then built the image to get from pxe with the command:
grub-mkimage --format=i386-pc-pxe --output=/root/work/pxegrub.0 --prefix='(pxe)/boot/grub' pxe pxecmd
First thing, I tried the image on a tftp server on the debian machine and succeded booting.
Next I built the image for the windows server:
grub-mkimage --format=i386-pc-pxe --output=/root/work/pxegrub.0 --prefix='(pxe)\' pxe pxecmd
From the windows tftp server Grub loads from PXE no problem but, fails at the next step:
error: invalid file name '\/normal.mod'.
My guess is it doesn't know how to use backslashes which Windblows uses in the path. Does anyone have experience with this kind of scenario?
Any help is highly appreciated.
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