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Re: grub-mklayout - different input format?

From: Colin Watson
Subject: Re: grub-mklayout - different input format?
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 17:36:06 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 01:38:15PM +0200, Treutwein Bernhard wrote:
> here grub-keymap is a keymap generated by translating an X11 
> keyboard definition file with ckbcomp into a format 
> understood by grub-mklayout:
>       ckbcomp /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ch | grub-mklayout -o /boot/ch.gkb
> Now, tinycore does neither have the X keyboard definition files nor the
> command ckbcomp. So I asked some time ago in the tinycore forum for help 
> and got the following reply (including my query): 
> Now I am a confused and I don't have any idea how to manage it.
> Is the format understood by grub-mklayout the keymaps(5) format?

Yes, it is.

> The only documentation about grub-mklayout I was able to find 
> (
> does not say anything about the required input format.

I have committed improved text for future versions of the manual page,
adding the line:

  grub-mklayout processes a keyboard layout description in keymaps(5)
  format into a format that can be used by GRUB's keymap command.

Colin Watson                                       address@hidden

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