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Re: Boot DoudouLinux with loopback grub function

From: Goh Lip
Subject: Re: Boot DoudouLinux with loopback grub function
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:14:25 +0800
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.01 (Linux)

On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 02:30:45 +0800, Amicale Salmson <address@hidden> wrote:
menuentry "Doudou Linux" {
  loopback  loop (hd0,msdos1)/boot/doudoulinux-2010-11-fr.iso
  search --set -f /boot/doudoulinux-2010-11-fr.iso
linux (loop)/live/vmlinuz findiso=/boot/doudoulinux-2010-11-fr.iso toram=filesystem.squashfs boot=live noeject
  initrd    (loop)/live/initrd.img

o Some iso's are created with remastersys and if they do not have lupin-casper installed before being remastered, the iso-file will not be able to be live-booted.
o  As to the thread that Barry referred to, some iso requires some prompt  
commands to boot and you need to know what these are, if any.
o  Your entry above shows....toram=filesystem.squashfs....I wonder if this  
is necessary; toram is useful when booting up from physical cdrom, not  
required for iso-file boots
o I like your "search --set -f /...iso"  - Brilliant.

So, sorry I cannot help more than this.

Regards - Goh Lip

I used to have an open mind,
but my brains kept falling out.

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