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Re: Big CA certificate bundle causes problems with GnuTLS 3.0.11

From: Sam Varshavchik
Subject: Re: Big CA certificate bundle causes problems with GnuTLS 3.0.11
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 19:04:48 -0400

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos writes:

In the TLS protocol the server advertises its CA certificates so a
client would know which certificate to present. If a server trusts all
the certificates in the system, the server would advertise all of them
(their DNs actually).

IIRC, this occurs only when client certificates are enabled. Yes, I would think that in that case only the certificates that the server trusts, should be loaded.

I would think that in most situations an organization would have only their own CA trusted, and loaded into a TLS server. I suppose I can imagine a situation where an org would, in some context, decide that accepting a client cert signed by any public CA to be acceptable, and then use it for some particular purpose. But I don't think this would be the case for most practical situations. And, in those cases, loading the public CA certs would be a security hole. Depending on the purpose the client cert is being used for, and how, it wouldn't take much imagination to get some public CA to sign something that looks good enough to 0wn JOO.

So, I would take a hard look at why someone really wants to load a public CA bundle, in the first place, to validate client certs.

I suppose someone might want, for some odd reason, to blow a wad of cash on having some public CA sign some certs, for their clients, even though it's trivial to set up your own cert, and do it yourself for free. But, still, in that case, at the very least you should only load /that/ CA, and not the whole bundle.

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