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handshake issue with gnutls 3.0.3

From: frank . krout
Subject: handshake issue with gnutls 3.0.3
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 14:51:55 -0400

Anyone run into this. I'm new to GNUTLS and having an issue in multi-threaded app.

Via application mutex's, I've serialized access to GNUTLS_HANDSHAKE in order just to get a successful handshake... and am getting this:

 ==> backtrace() returned 18 addresses
../Linux/MassMailer [0x80021b86]
/lib64/ [0x200001dc71e]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x2000006ff2e]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x200000f61b4]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x20000054972]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x2000005864c]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x20000059422]
/home/fkrout/usr/lib/ [0x2000005990a]
../Linux/MassMailer(_ZN12CUT_WSClient19do_handshake_gnutlsEv+0x104) [0x8006b1dc]
../Linux/MassMailer(_ZN8SMTPconn11SMTPConnectEPKcS1_S1_+0x5ba) [0x80065af2]
../Linux/MassMailer(_Z23SendAnEmailNotificationPcS_S_S_+0x95e) [0x80067466]
../Linux/MassMailer(SendAnEmailToFromAdr+0xe0) [0x800981a8]
../Linux/MassMailer [0x80085f12]
../Linux/MassMailer(_Z19alloCATEgorize_mainlPPc+0x1da) [0x80089c4e]
../Linux/MassMailer(main+0x2824) [0x80076130]
/lib64/ [0x200003ea568]
../Linux/MassMailer(__res_query+0x5e) [0x80016d62]
Info: Initializing GNUTLS

The gnutls-cli app runs fine, built in same environment and does not use gnutls_global_set_mutex.
Since it does work,  I've modeled my code largely after ( src/cli.c ), not using set_mutex either.
I realize it's a single thread, that is why I serialized the handshake in my app.

So the random function works fine for gnutls-cli, I don't get what's going on.

Hoping this is "low hanging fruit" for the community.... otherwise I just have a wild pointer somewhere...
I've read through the docs and mailing list, so unless I missed something...


Frank Krout Senior Software Engineer
Office Euro RSCG 4D, 372 Danbury Rd, Wilton, Connecticut 06897
Tel 203.563.3314 Fax 203.563.3434  Web

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