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Re: TLS server key and certificate generation

From: jawad.ssuet
Subject: Re: TLS server key and certificate generation
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:27:36 +0200


Actually for OpenXCAP to work I have to generate one server.crt and server.key by using gnutls (as this is only one post on OpenXCAP forum) and put them under my openxcap/tls folder, so that would my server certification and key. By the time I emailed I was unable to find method to do this by gnutls so did this by openssl but I struggled to load the cert/key with openssl.

On OpenXCAP website this is the only information about certificates.

"" When using TLS you must generate an X.509 certificate and a key. Consult Internet resources for how to do this. The procedure is the same as for any other TLS server like Apache web server.  ""

I generate a certificate and private key for OpenXCAP server by using openssl as follows.

- openssl genrsa -des3 out server.key 1024
- openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
- openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

So in short I have to generate one server certificate and private key using gnutls and I will follow procedures on the provided links by you and will report if that work. I have installed gnutls but havent seen certtool command ?.

Jawad Hussain

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Simon Josefsson <address@hidden> wrote:
Jawad hussain <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
> I am trying to setting up a OpenXcap server and doing so I encounter
> following error. So can someone suggest how to generate TLS server
> certificate and key for OpenXcap server.
> Sep 23 16:13:55 jawad-desktop openxcap[2710]: fatal error: the TLS
> certificates or the private key could not be loaded

There is not much information to go on here, can you provide more
information on what commands you invoke and the files you use as input?
I'm not familiar with OpenXcap though, so you may find better answers on
a OpenXcap forum.

Generating keys and certificates is covered in the GnuTLS manual:

I blogged about how to create CACert keys/certs some time ago:



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