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Re: New GNUNET peer (at least I hope).

From: Denis BEURIVE
Subject: Re: New GNUNET peer (at least I hope).
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 13:06:32 +0100

Hello Martin,

In fact, the daemon started. I just did not put the output of the "ps" command.

I did start It as "root" indeed. I'll restart It as "gnunet".



Le ven. 24 janv. 2020 à 11:53, Schanzenbach, Martin <address@hidden> a écrit :

> On 23. Jan 2020, at 22:18, Denis BEURIVE <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
> In an attempt to help the GNUNET project, I have installed GNUNET on a VPS hosted by OVH ( This is a very small server (2Ghz, 2Gb of RAM and 20Gb SSD). However it has a public IP address, a very good bandwidth and high availability.
> I have noticed a little problem while following the installation guide for Ubuntu 18.04.
> When I tried to start GNUNET (gnunet-arm -s), the system could not find the shared libray "".
> To fix this, I just run "ldconfig".
> I show you the complete scenario:
> root@vps779473:~# gnunet-arm -s
> gnunet-arm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> root@vps779473:~# locate libgnunetarm
> /usr/local/lib/
> /usr/local/lib/
> /usr/local/lib/
> /usr/local/lib/
> root@vps779473:/etc/ cd /etc/
> root@vps779473:/etc/ cat libc.conf
> # libc default configuration
> /usr/local/lib
> root@vps779473:/etc/ ldconfig
> root@vps779473:~# gnunet-arm -s
> root@vps779473:/etc/ ps awx | grep gnunet

>From my experience, the need for "ldconfig" is not unusual (if you have installed it from source).

So no output after the "ps" command I assume? Can you check ~/.cache/gnunet/ for logs?
Also, it seems like you run gnunet as root. It would be better if you run it as a user, e.g. gnunet.

> Well, I don't know what GNUNET is doing right now. I'll have to dig about it later.

$ gnunet-arm -I

should show you the running services. You can "inspect" each service using respective command-line tools (see docs).
To check if you are connected with any other peers, run

$ gnunet-core

If that does not output anything, there is a problem with connectivity -> check logs.

> With my GNUNET peer, I'd like to increase the number of peers on the network (in order to make the network better).


> I'll probably ask questions since I am not sure to understand all the documentation. Please note that I work as a senior UNIX developer. Thus I am accustomed to technical stuff. I may help to improve the documentation, and, if needed, translate it into French.

Even better!

Good luck and have fun ;)


> Regards,
> Denis

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