I have just install gnunet from HEAD with javaports
In order to test the gnunet-java api
I have created an empty config file /etc/gnunet.conf
And start arm :
$ gnunet-arm -c /etc/gnunet.conf -s
I have the following output :
Service `arm' has been started.
oct. 31 16:15:42-222605 util-30205 ERROR Could not acquire lock on
file `/home/gnunet/.gnunet/.hostkey': Ressource temporairement non
oct. 31 16:15:42-222735 util-30205 ERROR This may be ok if someone is
currently generating a private key.
oct. 31 16:15:42-320079 util-30206 ERROR Could not acquire lock on
file `/home/gnunet/.gnunet/.hostkey': Ressource temporairement non
oct. 31 16:15:42-320196 util-30206 ERROR This may be ok if someone is
currently generating a private key.
And gnunet is right !
I don't have /home/gnunet/.gnunet/.hostkey file
How can I generate a private key (the .hostkey file) ?
I can't install gnunet-gtk : https://gnunet.org/bugs/view.php?id=2605
Perhaps this is gnunet-setup who configure the key ?
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