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Re: [Help-gnunet] mysql database setup

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] mysql database setup
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 22:27:32 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Interesting, I didn't think there was much to the mysql-setup given that there 
is mysql_set_permission.  I wonder why you hardwired things like "~/.my.cnf" 
(where the path maybe different and can be specified in gnunetd.conf) and 
then ask the user to manually delete certain files -- given gnunetd.conf and 
some grep/awk-ing (or using gnunet-update's "-g" option) you should be able 
to determine all of those paths and automate these bits as well. Especially 
for a Debian package, that level of automation might be nice.

I'll be happy to add the script to contrib/; I just wonder if it would just 
contribute to the wasteland of undocumented and largely unknown scripts 
there.  Maybe we should make this one part of gnunet-update for the 
0.8.0-release? (for systems running gnunet-update when migrating from 

Comments? Further suggestions?


On Thursday 06 March 2008, David Kuehling wrote:
> Hi,
> after deleting and recreating many gnunet mysql databases in the past, I
> finally took the time to put the necessary commands into a shell script.
> Maybe others find that useful?  Script is attached
> Usage is as follows:
> ./gnunet-mysql create
>   -- asks for username (default:gnunet) and password; then create a
>      gnunet database for that user and write the password to the .my.cnf
>      file in the user's home directory
> ./gnunet-mysql delet
>   -- delete the gnunet mysql database
> With something like this, mysql setup could probably be automatically
> done for the Debian installation?  Other packets such as mythtv already
> seem to manage automatic mysql setup.
> cheers,
> David

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