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Re: [Help-gnunet] GNUnet 0.7.2a released

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] GNUnet 0.7.2a released
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 20:28:17 -0600
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

On Monday 09 July 2007 12:41, David Kuehling wrote:
> >>>>> "Christian" == Christian Grothoff <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> > Updating should be trivial.  You need to run gnunet-update which will
> > take a while (depending on your database size, it could take a few
> > hours).
> Well, I just updated, but forget to run gnunet-update before launching
> gnunetd.  Gnunetd ran without problems, but then showed my datastore to
> be almost empty (about 4MB of 2000MB used).  Attempting to download
> previously inserted content (inserted via 'gunet-insert -n') still works
> fine, so I guess the datastore is only *shown* to be empty while data is
> still actually present?
> I'm using the mysql backend.  Any tips?

I wonder how you managed to restart gnunetd without gnunet-update -- the code 
does check.  The only way I can think of this happening is that you might 
have started gnunetd with a different directory / configuration.  

As for the size being shown incorrectly, part of what gnunet-update will do is 
recompute the size.  If you want to force a run of gnunet-update, remove the 
first character of "$GNUNETD_HOME/state.sdb/GNUNET-VERSION", that should 
cause gnunet-update to actually do stuff (and equally cause gnunetd to force 
you to run gnunet-update).


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