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[Help-gnunet] Re: Inserting large amounts of content?

From: Per Kreuger
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Re: Inserting large amounts of content?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 16:30:18 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030313

Actually the failure occured after closer to 5 GB had been inserted and probably because the disc quota had been exceeded.

I have now incresed DISCQUOTA to 5 GB, INDIRECTIONTABLESIZE to 32768 and increased the no of buckets to 5. Which of these are relevant?

I also found the parameter CASHE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE in the file "src/include/applications/afs/database/lookup.h" which I increased to 2^25 which, according to the comments in the file should allow for a database of size upto 1 GB and 32GB of (indexed?) data.

Is there anything more (or less) I need to do?

Insertion (indexing) has now been running for about a half hour at a rate of about 140 KB/second.

I'll report back when finnished or failed.


piak wrote:
I'm experimenting with inserting large amounts of content (about 20G) but fail (as axpected) at aboout 8G. The config file mentions changing parameters in src/include/config.h but I found no such parameter in that file.

What to do?


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