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Re: Lambdas for beginners broken - help, please

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Lambdas for beginners broken - help, please
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:18:46 +0300

> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:03:48 +0200
> From:  Michael Heerdegen via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
> <>
> Eduardo Ochs <> writes:
> >   lambda is a Lisp macro in ‘subr.el’.
> >
> >
> >   Return an anonymous function.
> >   Under dynamic binding, a call of the form (lambda ARGS DOCSTRING
> >   INTERACTIVE BODY) is self-quoting; the result of evaluating the
> >   lambda expression is the expression itself.
> Agreed, this is at least misleading.  Stefan, Eli?

What is misleading?

I admit that I don't have a clear understanding of the issue: I don't
understand what Eduardo wants to do in the first place, nor which
version of Emacs broke what he did or why.  So maybe wait for Stefan
to chime in.

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