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two questions about projectile

From: Luca Ferrari
Subject: two questions about projectile
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:59:00 +0200

Hi all,
I hope someone in here have solutions for my two trivial questions, or
can suggest if it does make sense to move away from projectile.
When I use projectile-find-tag to find a symbol in my projects (Perl,
Python, Java, C), if a tag is related to multiple entities, a buffer
xref is opened for me to choose where to jump. However, the buffer
xref stands within the opened buffers, hence when I want to switch to
another buffer I find it in the list. Is there a way to make xref to
automatically kill itself once a choice is made?

Second, when a tag is not found in the current project, it seems that
projectile scans all other projects, even those not opened. Is there a
way to restrict the jump to search only within _the current_ project
and not either in other opened (or not) projects?


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