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mu4e: A new field added to message view is not shown

From: Sébastien Gendre
Subject: mu4e: A new field added to message view is not shown
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:48:25 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.1; emacs 29.4


I meet a problem with mu4e. I wanted to send my e-mail to the mu4e
mailing list, but I didn't success to subscribe to. I hope I can ask
for help here.

I have defined a custom field that show the E-mail user agent. And I
have added it to the message view. But when I show a message, my field
is nowhere.

Here is my code:

    ;; Add an e-mail custom header that give the correspondant user agent, at 
the end
    (add-to-list 'mu4e-header-info-custom
                 '(:user-agent .
                               ( :name "User agent"
                                 :shortname "UsrAgnt"
                                 :help "E-mail client used by correspondant"
                                 :function (lambda (msg)
                                             (or (mu4e-fetch-field msg 
"User-Agent") ""))))

    ;; Add the new :user-agent field into the message view, at the end
    (add-to-list 'mu4e-view-fields :user-agent t)

I have tested the code `(mu4e-fetch-field (mu4e-message-at-point)
"User-Agent")` with `eval-expression` (M-:), and I get the User agent of
the message.

I also seen that in the variable `mu4e-view-fields`, I have ":tags" but
I don't see any "Tags:" field in a message view.

Best regards

Gendre Sébastien

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