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Re: Dealing with a system Emacs properly

From: David Masterson
Subject: Re: Dealing with a system Emacs properly
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:57:46 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Joel Reicher <> writes:

> David Masterson <> writes:
>> Joel Reicher <> writes:
>>> David Masterson <> writes:
>> I have the package auto-package-update which regularly checks my
>> packages for updates on [M]Elpa.
> I don't use that anymore, but I can see it draws on both package-alist
> and package--builtins so I'd expect it to work for upgrading builtins
> also. Can you check the values of those variables if the issue is
> still happening or happens again?

Hmm. I see Org-9.5.5 in package--builtins even after I removed it from
/usr/share/emacs/elpa (well, hid it in /usr/share/emacs) to try to see
to see if I could local install Org-9.7.6 (which seemed to work).  How
did package--builtins find 9.5.5 ?!?

>>> The latter is normal behaviour for builtin packages...
>> Latter?  I don't see package-upgrade-all in describe-function.
> Possibly it's not in the version you have?

Ah, yeah.  The manual your pointing to is for Emacs 29.2 while I'm at
28.2.  I'll have to look at Debian backports to see if I can install an
Emacs v29 in bookworm.  Building Emacs from scratch myself winds up
loading too many dependent system software which overloads my small
diskspace on my Chromebook.

>> Okay, by shadow you mean cover.  Most of the time, that's true. Once
>> in awhile, there's some problem.
> Could you provide specifics? I believe redefinition and overriding (of
> anything!) should always be possible in Emacs.

Don't remember the specifics, but I believe it had something to with
org-compat.el and that the builtin org-compat was being loaded before
the new Org was loaded and, therefore, interfered with the load of the
new Org.  Org-compat is supposed to avoid this, but an update to Org
broke it.  My hack was to remove the old Org instead of waiting for the

David Masterson

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