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Re: package-autoremove ?

From: Rudolf Schlatte
Subject: Re: package-autoremove ?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:17:12 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

David Masterson <> writes:

> Can someone describe the process that package-autoremove goes through to
> create the list of packages that are "safe" to be removed?  When I use
> it, I see a few packages that I have connected to other packages
> (ex. 'diminish being used by 'use-package).  Is there anything I should
> do to signal to package-autoremove that I know a package is needed?

You can add these packages to `package-selected-packages'.  `M-x
list-packages' will show such packages as "dependency" instead of
"installed"; typing "i" then "x" on the line of a dependency package
(i.e., trying to install the package) will add it to
`package-selected-packages' as well.

For me, this situation comes up when I install a package via
`(use-package ... :ensure t)' instead of via `list-packages'.

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