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‘(vterm local)’ is a malformed function

From: hw
Subject: ‘(vterm local)’ is a malformed function
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2023 17:22:12 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.4 (3.48.4-1.fc38)


I've made some functions to set up a bunch of connections with vterm:

(require 'vterm)

(defun my-vterm-connect (pretty-name fqdn)
  "Wrapper for logging into a host the name of which is given in the
argument fqdn via ssh."
  (vterm pretty-name)
  (vterm-send-string (concat "cd /tmp ; ssh " fqdn "\ntmux attach"))

(defun my-connections (fqdns)
  "Set up a bunch of vterms, some with ssh connections."
  (if (not (get-buffer "local")) ((vterm "local")
                                  (vterm-send-string "cd")
    (message "local terminal seems already open"))
  (dolist (this fqdns)
    (if (not (get-buffer this))
        (my-vterm-connect this this)
      (message "%s seems already connected to" this))))

That way, I can call (my-connections '(""
"")) for how many hosts I may want to connect to.

It works fine, though I'm getting a warning:

⛔ Warning (comp): connections.el:13:36: Warning: ‘(vterm local)’ is a malformed 

What's malformed about it?  It doesn't consider (vterm pretty-name) as
malformed ... "local" somehow gets unstringyfied?

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