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Re: What is the policy for moving a feature into core or not?

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: What is the policy for moving a feature into core or not?
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 10:34:04 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> As I said I know about such external packages, and it was only an example.
> I'm just wondering if there is policy of keeping the core (elpa included) 
> small to
> lessen the burden of emacs maintainers, or there is no such policy, 
> and if people submitted the necessary papers then they could dump packages 
> into
> elpa by the thousand.

For GNU ELPA specifically, there is no special policy: any package is
acceptable, basically.

For Emacs's core, there is no clear cut policy, but since the advent of
GNU ELPA we've tried to add packages there rather than in Emacs itself,
because it makes it much easier for the package to evolve at its own
pace (i.e. better for the package's maintainer) and it lessens the
burden for Emacs's maintainers as well.


PS: Here's my own kill ring browser, which I call from `yank-pop` when the
last command was not `yank`.

(defun yank-browse (string)
  "Browse the `kill-ring' to choose which entry to yank."
   (minibuffer-with-setup-hook #'minibuffer-completion-help
     (let* ((kills (delete-dups (append kill-ring-yank-pointer kill-ring nil)))
             (mapcar (lambda (string)
                       (let ((pos 0))
                         ;; FIXME: Maybe we should start by removing
                         ;; all properties.
                         (setq string (copy-sequence string))
                         (while (string-match "\n" string pos)
                           ;; FIXME: Maybe completion--insert-strings should
                           ;; do that for us.
                            (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
                            'display (eval-when-compile
                                       (propertize "\\n" 'face 'escape-glyph))
                           (setq pos (match-end 0)))
                         ;; FIXME: We may use the window-width of the
                         ;; wrong window.
                         (when (>= (* 3 (string-width string))
                                   (* 2 (window-width)))
                           (let ((half (- (/ (window-width) 3) 1)))
                             ;; FIXME: We're using char-counts rather than
                             ;; width-count.
                              half (- (length string) half)
                              'display (eval-when-compile
                                         (propertize "……" 'face 'escape-glyph))
            (table (lambda (string pred action)
                      ((eq action 'metadata)
                       '(metadata (category . kill-ring)))
                       (complete-with-action action entries string pred))))))
       ;; FIXME: We should return the entry from the kill-ring rather than
       ;; the entry from the completion-table.
       ;; FIXME: substring completion doesn't work well because it only matches
       ;; subtrings before the first \n.
       ;; FIXME: completion--insert-strings assumes that boundaries of
       ;; candidates are obvious enough, but with kill-ring entries this is not
       ;; true, so we'd probably want to display them with «...» around them.
       (list (completing-read "Yank: " table nil t)))))
  (setq this-command 'yank)
  (insert-for-yank string))

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