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Emacs Ruby mode keybindings problem

From: ignacy.moryc
Subject: Emacs Ruby mode keybindings problem
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:22:44 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0


I have a strange problem. When I'm in ruby-mode when I press "k" It
acts as a prefix key ("k" isn't inserted in the buffer but shows in
the command line). When I used describe-prefix-bindings I got a
section that looked like this:

Major Mode Bindings Starting With :
key             binding
---             -------

C-c             Prefix Command
C-j             reindent-then-newline-and-indent
RET             reindent-then-newline-and-indent
C-x             Prefix Command
ESC             Prefix Command
k               Prefix Command
{               ruby-electric-brace
}               ruby-electric-brace

C-x C-e         ruby-send-last-sexp

k e             Prefix Command

C-c C-b         ruby-send-block
C-c C-l         ruby-load-file
C-c C-r         ruby-send-region
C-c C-s         inf-ruby
C-c C-v         ??
C-c C-x         ruby-send-definition
C-c C-z         ruby-switch-to-inf
C-c ESC         Prefix Command
C-c ,           Prefix Command
C-c .           rsense-complete
C-c l           Keyboard Macro

C-M-a           ruby-beginning-of-defun
C-M-b           ruby-backward-sexp
C-M-e           ruby-end-of-defun
C-M-f           ruby-forward-sexp
C-M-h           backward-kill-word
C-M-n           ruby-end-of-block
C-M-p           ruby-beginning-of-block
C-M-q           ruby-indent-exp
C-M-x           ruby-send-definition

k e y           Prefix Command

C-c , f         feature-verify-all-scenarios-in-project

C-c M-b         ruby-send-block-and-go
C-c M-r         ruby-send-region-and-go
C-c M-x         ruby-send-definition-and-go

k e y b         Prefix Command

k e y b i       Prefix Command

k e y b i n     Prefix Command

k e y b i n d   Prefix Command

k e y b i n d i                 Prefix Command

k e y b i n d i n               Prefix Command

k e y b i n d i n g             ??

After that I tried presing "e" after "k" and sure enaugh I got "k e "
in the command line but nothing in the buffer. I know the problem is
somwhere in ruby-mode because when I look at the mode description I
get the same output. I'm having problems with finding the place I
should fix. I searched in my ruby-mode.el but didn't find anything

Any ideas how to fix this?


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