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Re: Too small fonts after Emacs-Snapshot update

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: Too small fonts after Emacs-Snapshot update
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:26:15 +0100

Am 24.02.2008 um 23:47 schrieb Sven Bretfeld:

I don't understand your last statement. You love riddles, don't you? I
quit the one you sent me some half a year ago ;-)

Yes, I want to (make) have fun! I'm not interested in money and similiar nonsense.
At the end of January the two GNU Emacs versions from CVS, then known  
as 23.0.50 and 23.0.60 (the unicode-2 branch) were merged into one  
version: GNU Emacs 23.0.60, the main CVS branch now.

The version from one week later (2008-02-24) works OK for me.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for « entrepreneur ».
                                – George W. Bush

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