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font problem persists (was: wikipedia and UTF8 coding (emacs21))

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: font problem persists (was: wikipedia and UTF8 coding (emacs21))
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 18:58:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4.17 (linux)

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Monnier <> writes:

   Stefan> So instead, you should only specify the font family, and
   Stefan> size, while the charset is automatically selected by Emacs
   Stefan> (which will use the iso10646-1 font for the Unicode chars,
   Stefan> ...).

   >> emacs -font  "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--0-0-100-100-m-0-iso10646-1"

Ok then I tried

   >> emacs -font

And the behaviour is the  same, that is 
 C-h h displays Hebrew and Greek correctly.
However when I open a file, which I recently have edited with Greek
and Hebrew symbols and saved as UTF-8, those symbols are displayed as
empty boxes.

Strange enough, when I chose an input mode, say Greek or Hebrew (no
BIDI support but anyway), the symbols I *then type* but only these are
correctly displayed, I save them as UTF-8 leave the buffer, reenter
the buffer and _again_ I just see just empty boxes.

Now I just downloaded and installed fonts from the m17nfonts. These fonts allow to display
even Hebrew with nikkud.

When I start emacs like

alias e6   'emacs -font
"-m17n-mule-medium-r-normal--20-140-100-100-p-90-iso10646-1" -bg
grey86 \!* &'

(I know I should not) then everything is displayed nicely, however
these fonts a proportional fonts, I would prefer fixed fonts of the
courier type.

So what can I do?


Uwe Brauer

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