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Problem positioning cursor

From: Victor Kirk
Subject: Problem positioning cursor
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:01:26 +0100


I've wrote a function to insert a skeleton for a java try-catch
block, but I've run into a problem leaving the cursor in the
correct place.

If there is no active region I want the following code to be
inserted (note X marks the spot I want to leave the cursor at.

    try {
    } catch(Exception e) {

This works fine.

If there is code selected I want:

    try {
    } catch(Exception e) {

unfortunatly the cursor is left at the `n' in Exception.

If anyone has the time to point me in the right direction
it would be appreciated.

(defun vics-java-catch-insert(&optional has-finally)
  "Generate a skeleton for a java try-catch block. If the optional
has-finally is true then a finally block is also inserted."
  (let ((ex-type (read-from-minibuffer "Exception Type: " "Exception" nil
nil nil nil nil))
                (try-start)    ;; start of try catch block
                (try-end)      ;; end of 
                (try-body nil) ;; code to insert within try/catch
                (edit-point))  ;; point to leave user at
        ;; If a region is selected save this to try-body
        (if (c-region-is-active-p)
                (setq try-body (delete-and-extract-region (mark) (point))))
        (setq try-start (point))
        (insert "try {\n")
        (if (not try-body)
                (setq edit-point (point))
          (insert try-body))
        (insert (format "\n} catch (%s e) {\n" ex-type))
        (insert "e.printStackTrace();\n")
        ;; if we had some text leave save location at the end of the catch
        ;; block
        (if (eq nil (not try-body))
                (setq edit-point (point)))
        (insert "}")    ;
        (if (eq nil (not has-finally))
                (insert " finally {\n\n}"))
        (setq try-end (point))
        (indent-region try-start try-end nil)
        (goto-char edit-point)

Victor Kirk
Serco Integrated Transport

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