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[Help-gnu-arch] operatic overturn

From: Maria Fry
Subject: [Help-gnu-arch] operatic overturn
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:14:30 -0600

Art Thou come hither to torment usbefore the time?
My light I give to you andto all that are in My house.
Now the Christ went about preaching and healing in Galilee. Now this Mary had seen the multitudes following the Christ. This did He for a season, not visiting Jerusalemduring this time.
And this would cause a sleep tofall upon the man, after which he would be whole again.
Thus may its term be long ere it enterethinto perfection. WOULD YENOT EAT, THAT YOUR STRENGTH MIGHT RETURN? But to the people spake He in their own language, for in thistongue was He first instructed. YE WOULD NOW KNOW of His casting out the devils into a herd of swine.
Now this servant was, as Matthew saith, sick of apalsy: and this was so, for it came of a fever.
But the miracle was notwrought in Capernaum as ye read, but in Jerusalem, as I have told you. And Jesus, looking upon me said: PHILIP, YE HAVE A MIND THAT is FULL OFREASON. For unto us gave He life and strength that we might endure. But as ye have the words, ye cannot understand,for ye do not see His meaning. For from thefirst meeting with the Christ were these wrought every day.
A commentary on the earlier teachings of Christ read from St. And all themultitude pressed in upon them they might see the wonder that should bewrought. Of these miracles could I tell you many which are not given in thegospels. Here shall ye find no brotherhood; for all men are brethren. I WILL NOW TELL of the casting out of the evil spirits from Mary that wascalled the Magdalene.
Now Peter, that was of a passionate heart but of a weak faith, cried outto Him as ye have read.
Each miracle that He did gave Him again greater power that Hemight work the next.
And tothe disciples, the which had murmured, He said: LET HER ALONE. Now I have given you the words of the Christ as I remember them.
THY LIFE IS GIVEN BACK TO THEE BY THAT FAITH WHICHIS WITHIN ME AND WITHIN MARY THY SISTER. He would always speak the plainest and simplest wordsto these followed Him. Now the Christ went about preaching and healing in Galilee. And Ye too should be weary: for Ye have been fromus for many days.
Andno trouble was there in that country with the priesthood. These were Mary and Martha, the two sisters of Lazarus, the which abodetogether in one house. For theyknew that He loved all that were of this household.
For in that time did the Romans takeno account of the Christ.
If all the wonders that were wroughtby Jesus were given you, then would ye have many gospels.
And this would cause a sleep tofall upon the man, after which he would be whole again. And Lazarus, falling upon his knees before the Christ,said: Lord, Ye have called me.
This is not the manner of theChrists teaching.

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