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Re: Unparseable reply from gnatsd....

From: Mel Hatzis
Subject: Re: Unparseable reply from gnatsd....
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:46:22 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

On 06/21/2004 09:17 AM, Adam Cade submitted:
Gnats was working just fine.... i did not use it for a few weeks, then got this error:

Unparseable reply from gnatsd

I'm guessing you're getting this error in gnatsweb. If so,
gnatsweb is not handling the error returned from gnatsd
and is giving you the "catchall" message.

The easiest way to determine what is wrong is to telnet to the
port gnatsd is listening on and issue your command(s) directly
to gnatsd. This requires a little familiarity with the GNATS
protocol, but it cuts out all the middleware and you can see
the exact reply from gnatsd.

[ The GNATS protocol commands are fairly straightforward to use.
  Just enter 'help' and you'll see the list of available commands. ]

Otherwise, please provide a little more information about
what it is you're doing to get this it a query,
a PR create, edit, etc.

Mel Hatzis

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