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Re: enhancements for queue-pr

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: enhancements for queue-pr
Date: 08 Nov 2001 11:54:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> "DB" == Dirk Bergstrom <address@hidden> writes:

    DB> two changes to queue-pr: *) call pr-edit directly, instead of
    DB> file-pr.  file-pr is just a thin shell wrapper around "pr-edit
    DB> --submit".  i could see no reason we shouldn't just call pr-edit
    DB> directly, and simplify the process.

    DB> *) add a new option, max-size.  we have discovered that PRs
    DB> larger than ~100 Kbytes give gnats indigestion.  edit-pr &
    DB> gnatsweb tend to choke on these bulky PRs.  we have also found
    DB> that most of the large PRs got that way because a person or
    DB> process emailed a very large amount of data (giant config files,
    DB> crashdumps, etc.).  the max-size option allows us to filter
    DB> large messages manually.

    DB> the actual patch, and suitable changelog entries, are at this
    DB> URL:


Applied, thanks.  (I'll commit it as soon as GNATS CVS is working


Milan Zamazal

Omigod, it's a flame war about a flame war.  You know, a meta-flame war!
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