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RE: GNATS authentication

From: Hon-Chi Ng
Subject: RE: GNATS authentication
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 10:33:12 -0700

Hi Yngve

>From: Yngve Svendsen <address@hidden>
>To: "holly sadeghi" <address@hidden>
>Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
>Subject: GNATS authentication
>Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 21:45:53 +0200
>Ideally, you should be able to set access level 'none' for all hosts, so 
>users would be required to authenticate in order to do anything. The 
>problem with this is that Gnatsweb has to get a list of available databases 
>before the user can be asked to log in, and that is not possible in GNATS 
>3, since the DBLS command is unavailable when the access level is set to 
>'none'. And still, anyone would be able to submit PRs. The DBLS problem 
>will be fixed in GNATS 4, where there will be a separate access level which 
>allows only the DBLS command to be executed.

My workaround is to make the default database "foo" viewable by anyone which
is used as test/debug/sandbox database, and make the rest of database denied
to those otherwise authorized.

a) In gnats-db/gnats-adm/gnatsd.conf of all databases,

b) In gnats-db/gnats-adm/gnatsd.access for default database "foo",

c) In gnats-db/gnats-adm/gnatsd.access for the rest of databases,

>Unfortunately, GNATS 4 will not be much improved wrt. to security, except 
>for the DBLS fix. However, we have implemented a workaround in Gnatsweb 4. 
>If you limit access to GNATS so that Gnatsweb is the only available 
>interface, you can require users to authenticate against the web server 
>before they're allowed access to Gnatsweb. Gnatsweb can be configured to 
>pick up the username the user authenticated to the web server with and use 
>that as the GNATS username. Basically, you would have an empty user 
>database in gnatsd.access and an entry in gnatsd.conf saying
>(assuming the web server runs on the GNATS server machine)
>All in all, GNATS security is messy and weak. I'd like to invite people to 
>air their views on this subject -- perhaps we could end up with a 
>specification for a more robust security and authentication model?

Yngve, is it possible to 

a) make the web server authentication default for GnatsWeb, and

2. possibly an option to tell GNATS 4 to use /etc/passwd, NIS passwd
   or Apache AuthUserFile for users' passwords instead those in
   gnats-adm/gnatsd.access?  They may not be the most secure way, but
   at least better than the plain text password in

In other words, what I'm proposing is
  - use gnats-adm/gnatsd.access for authorization control, and
  - use /etc/passwd, NIS passwd or Apache AuthUserFile for
    authentication control.

>Yngve Svendsen


Just my 2c.


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