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gnats design

From: Alexander L. Belikoff
Subject: gnats design
Date: 23 Apr 2001 21:57:39 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0802 (Gnus v5.8.2) Emacs/20.7

Hello everyone -

I've been an avid GNATS user since 1994 (started w/ 3.2 and eventually
upgraded through 3.103). While GNATS in it's [current] shape worked
for us (and still works) it has way too many shortcomings. I've got
quite a list of ides on better GNATS design based on my development
experience (both w/ large and small groups) and I wonder if there is
an appropriate forum for GNATS design discussions where I could share
my thoughts and discuss the design issues and possibly help with


Alexander L. Belikoff                      GPG f/pr: 0D58 A804 1AB1 4CD8 8DA9
Bloomberg L.P.                                       424B A86E CD0D 8424 2701
mailto://address@hidden                ( for the key)

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