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Re: Nonlinear constraint in MPS format

From: Michael Hennebry
Subject: Re: Nonlinear constraint in MPS format
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:56:02 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

On Tue, 18 Jul 2023, Prabhu Manyem wrote:

I have a non-linear model in AMPL format (which is very similar to
GMPL format)... I would like to convert this to free-MPS format..
Unfortunately,  glpsol  is unable to convert non-linear models to
MPS.. (And the free version of AMPL which I have does NOT allow file

The objective function is linear..  Most of the constraints are
linear, except one constraint which is non-linear..  The single
non-linear constraint looks like this:

My understanding is that standard MPS allows
for linear constraints and objectives only.
There are extentions allowing quadratic objectives and constraints.

ax + b(x)(x) + c(x)(x)(x) + d/x + e/x/x + f/x/x/x = C.

I know of no extention that allows seven distinct, -3..3, powers of x.

If we remove the constraint above, then we have an LP.

My question -- Is it easy to edit the MPS file obtained above, and
input the single non-linear constraint?

Or, is there any other way to obtain an MPS file for the entire
non-linear model?


"Occasionally irrational explanations are required"  --  Luke Roman

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