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Re: gawk for a-Shell (on iPadOS)

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: gawk for a-Shell (on iPadOS)
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 17:29:14 +0300

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> From: Peter Vernam <>
> Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 10:21:45 -0400
> a-Shell on iPadOS is nothing like macOS X!!!

I hope it's closer than the other README.* files.

> For one thing README.macosx mentions GCC and the MacPorts clang-mp=3.5 
> compiler.  But
> a-Shell doesn't have GCC (or any Gnu tools) and has no access to MacPorts.

Why do you care so much about the name of the C compiler?  All you
need is a C compiler and the header files/libraries to match it,
that's all.  It doesn't matter what compiler.

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