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RE: [h-e-w] Gnus scoring questions

From: Windhorn, Allen, E. [LS/MKT]
Subject: RE: [h-e-w] Gnus scoring questions
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:51:49 -0500

Bill & the group,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Pringlemeir [mailto:address@hidden
>  Windhorn> I'm using Emacs 21.2 with Gnus 5.9.0 just as it came.
>  Windhorn> 1. There is a command called Trace Score in the menu,
>  Windhorn> but when I try to use it, I get the message,
>  Windhorn> "gnus-configure-windows: No such setting in
>  Windhorn> `gnus-buffer-configuration': score-trace."  What do
>  Windhorn> I need to do to make this work?
> Does the key sequence "V t" work when you are in the "summary
> buffer"? This is working on my configuration... but so does
> the menu item.

Neither one works on my machine (same message), so I think they are

>  GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt4.0.1381) of 2002-03-19 on BILL
>  Gnus v5.9.0
> I think that there is some other configuration info that we are
> missing.

I think you're correct, but what?  The Gnus FAQ and manual aren't very
helpful on this topic.

>  Windhorn> 2. How can I get articles below a certain score NOT to
>  Windhorn> display at all?  I have set a level to expunge, but this
>  Windhorn> just marks the articles; they still show up on the list.
> I don't know about this.  However, gnu.emacs.gnus is very helpful and
> the people there know much more *about Gnus* than the NT Emacs mailing
> list... or so I would postulate as the Gnus developers are usually
> reading that news group.

I will try there -- thought I would try the mailing list first, since it has
a much better "signal-to-noise ratio."  Thanks.


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