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Re: native nice command

From: Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
Subject: Re: native nice command
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 18:41:52 +0100

On Wed, Mar 02, 2022 at 06:34:03AM -0600, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> Normally nice is an external program. Is it possible to make it a
> builtin, so that when a bash function is called, any external commands
> called by the function will be niced? If a function is called to run
> in the background, that background bash process is also niced? Thanks.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Peng

Since the niceness value is something that is attached to a *process*
and is inherited by its child processes, and since functions are
run within the current shell process, you are looking for a way to
temporarily increase the niceness value of the current shell, and
then restore it to it's original value, without being a root user?
Ordinarily, you have to bo root to decrease the niceness value of a

You don't post any example code, but could we assume that you want
something like the following?

        foo () { echo 'running nicely'; var='ok'; }

        unset -v ok
        nice foo

        printf 'Expecting "ok": "%s"\n' "$var"

Could you provide an example that shows what you are working with and
further explains what you need to do?

Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden


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