On Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 11:12:01AM +0100, Chris Elvidge wrote:
I was intrigued by this. So tried:
=() { echo "scale=5; $@" | bc; }
I'd suggest $* here. You don't really want to preserve separate
arguments in this case.
Also, you really want bc -l, which also means you really don't want
to reduce the scale to merely 5. (If you want to reduce the
percision of the answer, capture it with a command substitution, and
then feed it to printf for rounding. Reducing the scale within bc
leads to extremely wrong answers in some cases.)
Seems to work for simple calculations.
A couple of questions, though.
1) How do you 'export -f ='? Or is it impossible?
Probably impossible, as it is an invalid shell "identifier".
2) How do you type in '= log(2048,2)' without getting a syntax error?
With quotes. Also, "log()" is spelled "l()" in bc.
unicorn:~$ =() { echo "$*" | bc -l; }
unicorn:~$ = 'l(2048.2)'
Or with rounding:
unicorn:~$ =() { local n; n=$(echo "$*" | bc -l) || return; printf '%.5f\n'
"$n"; }
unicorn:~$ = 'l(2048.2)'
This is a cute little experiment, but it's not a path I'd choose for
myself. What I do instead is keep a dedicated terminal window open
in a specific spot on my screen, with bc -l running interactively.
If I need to calculate something, I just focus on that window and type
my expressions there.
Also, I guess checking bc's exit status is pointless...
unicorn:~$ = 1/0
Runtime error (func=(main), adr=3): Divide by zero
unicorn:~$ echo '1/0' | bc -l
Runtime error (func=(main), adr=3): Divide by zero
unicorn:~$ echo $?