first of all, I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.
I have a question, maybe someone has an idea for a way without
I have to click through thousands of files.
I have several multilingual websites written in Markdown. I would
now like to add a geotag to the website. For the German website,
this is largely done.
Header of MD File:
title: ""
tags: ""
draft: true
shorttext: ""
cover: "cover/.jpg"
The filenames have in all languages the same name, with grep the
geo tag could be read out and write to file like:
grep -r "geo:" | sed 's/:/ /g' | sed 's/ /: /g'
how-people-become-resources.md geo: "Welt"
la-vie-product-recommendations.md geo: "Europa"
the-challenge-of-peace.md geo: "Welt"
corporations-lie.md geo: "Welt"
the-green-hypocrites.md geo: "Europa"
lets-celebrate-free-enterprise.md geo: "Europa"
how-to-annoy-people.md geo: "Asien"
the-values-of-hypocrisy.md geo: "Asien"
the-drug-terror.md geo: "Welt"
This is from german page and now the question is there a way to
search in other language folders the filename and put the geo tag to
header after tags: "" line?
title: ""
tags: ""
geo: ""
draft: true
shorttext: ""
cover: "cover/.jpg"
Would be really great. Thank you for the voices. Lovely Weekend.