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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/FutureVision oplan.txt referee-repl...

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/FutureVision oplan.txt referee-repl...
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 15:04:13 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Benja Fallenstein <address@hidden>      03/11/13 15:04:13

Modified files:
        FutureVision   : oplan.txt 
Added files:
        FutureVision   : referee-reply.txt 

Log message:


Index: manuscripts/FutureVision/oplan.txt
diff -u manuscripts/FutureVision/oplan.txt:1.27 
--- manuscripts/FutureVision/oplan.txt:1.27     Thu Nov 13 15:01:40 2003
+++ manuscripts/FutureVision/oplan.txt  Thu Nov 13 15:04:12 2003
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Relationship between item-based and files:
     Computers should help us with **organizing our lives**, rather
-    than making them more difficult. We need
+    than making them more difficult. We conjecture that we need
     a system **structured** around **items** -- 
     **things that we care about**, such as people, arguments and ideas,
     and able to express the relationships between them,
@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@
     object)* triples, where each triple is an edge between the
     subject and the object and with the predicate as its label.
+    When discussing RDF, URIs are often abbreviated,
+    for example ``foaf:Person`` for ``http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person``.
     While the zzstructure is simple to browse locally,
     because it has higher-level (user-centred) semantics,
     programming is often easier in RDF, because many-to-many
@@ -311,22 +314,81 @@
 [26] Graph visualization in general ref
-NEW [between 3 and 4] Examples
-[30] Examples:
-- Expanding on the Carli example (also explaining
-  how to handle large number of neighbours in e-mail case) [6]
-- Real-world example (poems)
-- Connecting thoughts (better than paper).
+NEW 3.3 A real-world example
-Use RDF to concretify the examples.
+**[30] Poems example:**
-Need to drive home through this how this can "help us
-organize our lives."
+In this section, we give a example of hyperstructure
+in real-world use.
+We present how Christel Fallenstein, a fan of Austrian author
+Friederike Mayröcker, uses hyperstructure to keep track of the information 
+she wants to remember about Mayröcker's work.
+This is currently done in zzstructure
+(using our implementation, Gzz), because the Fenfire implementation
+is in too early prototype stage. Below, we will give a
+list of the different information structures in this applitude
+and show how they could be realized in RDF. We can unfortunately not
+include screenshots because of the copyrighted and unpublished
+material as well as the private character of the information
+in this space.
+    The heart of this information space is a collection
+    of published and unpublished poems by Friederike Mayröcker
+    (node type ``poems:Poem``). For each poem, we store
+    the ``poems:dateWritten`` and for some the ``poems:dateRevised``;
+    also, we store the ``poems:title`` and ``poems:text`` of the poem.
+    Finally, we store who the poems are ``poem:dedicatedTo``
+    as connections to the items representing these people.
+    The collection of poems is primarily viewed sorted by
+    date written and by *day and month* written, i.e.
+    ignoring the year. The latter is useful to see the
+    influence of seasons on Mayröcker's work, i.e., to see
+    how two poems from February, but from two different years,
+    may be similar.
+    For people (node type ``foaf:Person``) we store their
+    ``foaf:name`` and possibly their contact information:
+    ``foaf:mbox`` (the e-mail address), ``person:address``,
+    and ``person:phoneNumber``.
+    A relatively common use is to look for a person by name,
+    then look for poems dedicated to this person. The
+    contact information is useful because the user of this
+    system often knows the people poems are dedicated to
+    and exchanges letters or e-mails with them.
+    In addition to the poems, the space contains correspondence
+    with Mayröcker and other people interested in Mayröcker's work,
+    for example translators of Mayröcker's work in different
+    languages, by e-mail and paper mail. A ``m:Letter`` or ``m:Mail``
+    (subclasses of ``m:Correspondence``) has ``m:from`` and ``m:to``
+    properties connecting them to instances of ``foaf:Person``, 
+    as well as an ``m:date``. Mails also have an ``m:subject``.
+    A usual task is to view all the correspondence with
+    (from or to) a particular person in chronological order.
+    Finally, and most importantly, correspondence is connected
+    on ``m:about`` to poems it discusses. This way, it is
+    possible to see, when looking at a particular poem,
+    all correspondence discussing this poem. This is the most
+    important reason for using hyperstructure in this context.
+Telephone notes
+    Fallenstein and Mayröcker talk on the phone almost daily.
+    During these conversations, Fallenstein takes notes about
+    their discussions. For each call (``m:Call``), there is a list
+    of short notes (``m:CallNote``). A call has a ``m:callDate``
+    and possibly some text connected on ``m:callInfo``, noting
+    additional information, for example if Mayröcker was on
+    vacation. 
-Refer to FenPDF section below as giving another example.
 4 The Fenfire project

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