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Re: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] RE: Backend
Date: 07 Sep 2002 04:00:08 -0600

On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 02:58, Kero van Gelder wrote:
> Well, where is the famous "Hello, world!" that works? So I can wrestle
> through all layers to see what happens, comment on it, improve on it
> and implement it for several other widgets?

okay i've finally gotten to this. go here:

and you can download the tgz. simply install it by making a directory
called gutopia within ruby's site_path and copying the contents of the
.tgz to it.

in the directory samples you'll find what your looking for. by the way
the samples are very much "under construction", and i think one of them
has a require 'yaml' in there. so if your don't have that you'll either
need to get rid of the require or install yaml (which isn't a bad thing

> >From a Software Engineering point of view, that's how I work. I am not
> interested in a FileDialog while I haven't seen a Label on the screen...
> and so far, I haven't.
> > > In my opinion (and therefore in Ruby-Wise), a Button is a Label that
> > > can be clicked. Thus, it need not take care of displaying a String,
> > > fonts and other things.
> > 
> > agreed. interestingly in GUtopIa, being Ruby code, this is expressed by
> > a widget called Button that inherits the Labled mixin, just as the Label
> > widget itself does.
> Ehm, where? Not in components.rb...
> (OK, on the Web-page w/ the Components on it.)

yes, your right. none of the stuff on the web page has yet been
implemented, all of that came after i wrote the preliminary code.

> > > Sorry, that's only obvious stuff...
> > 
> > sorry, i didn't think the Rouge alpha/beta/gamma picture was anymore
> > detailed.
> Probably I'm more familiar with the Rouge picture...
> But for a developer, there are certain parts that belong in certain
> layers/blocks. "Backend wrapper" makes no such decision.
> > > The Markup halfway the page is not in the picture on top.
> > 
> > which markup? what kind of picture should i draw?
> In the picture on top, which part is responsible for decoding the
> Markup Language and building a GUI?

i see what you're saying. more of a class architecture. okay, i'll work
on it soon as i can.

> myeah, that would be pre-argumenting... Good point.
> where at first I sought for a way to ditch the nil in front, 'coz it
> looks stupid, it might run out of hand.
> It should go from>"bla") to"bla"), not
> from>2, :font=>"funny", :text=>"bla", :align=>:right)
> to a small improvement. Anyone who uses the latter is lost
> anyway. Stylesheets or something else should solve that.
> (where in the mentioned picture is the StyleSheet?)

haven't gotten that far.

> > > Tell you what, I'll think about components that are in X or otherwise
> > > below Ruby-Wise. Some of those pop up within or above Ruby-Wise, like
> > > the WM. If I work a bit on the docs of the API that is below
> > > Ruby-Wise, I might just form a better opinion of the blocks
> > > surrounding it in Gutopia.
> > 
> > very cool. let me know what you find/determine.
> Bunch of elements at:

i'll check it out.

tom sawyer, aka transami

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